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Tax Effective Investing In Australia

Is your investment strategy optimised for tax efficiency & what should tax effective investing in Australia ideally include?

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Investment Opportunities

With so many investment opportunities being created by the current global market environment, where should you focus?

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Building Generational Wealth

Understanding the principles behind building generational wealth is becoming of increasing interest, driven by amongst other things the current cost of living increases

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Tax Tips

Tax Tips to help you maximise the upside & minimise the downside before June 30th

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Mortgage Rate Update

We are celebrating our 11th Year Helping clients reduce their interest rates and realise their dream of buying a home or investment property

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De-Risking Business Growth

Although de-risking business growth stands as a fundamental goal for every ambitious venture, these 6 strategies are often overlooked

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Super Death Benefit Tax

In Australia, superannuation is a nest egg many rely on for a comfortable retirement, but what happens to your super savings if you pass away?

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The Concessional Contributions Cap

Understanding the concessional contributions cap can be a powerful tool for building retirement savings & maximising your super

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Downsizer Contributions

What Is the downsizer contribution concession and why could this be relevant to you if you’re nearing retirement?

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Risk Profiling

Risk Profiling is possibly the most important but often the most misunderstood and overlooked element when investing

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How To Use Debt To Create Wealth

Not all debt is created equal. In fact, if you’re careful and think about it strategically, you can actually use debt to create wealth

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Looking for a Home Mortgage?

Developing a good understanding of the key concepts, before looking at specific mortgage products, can help with fast tracking the selection process.

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What Is Refinancing?

What is refinancing, when should you do it, does refinancing impact your credit rating, & is there anything else you need to know?

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Financial Wellbeing

It’s easy to assume higher income means more financial wellbeing, and there is a strong correlation, but it is not the only factor at play.

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Why Use A Mortgage Broker

With a wealth of information at all our fingertips thanks to the internet, you might wonder why use a mortgage broker?

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Reasons To Refinance

With interest rates rising, it’s worth understanding how you can benefit by going to the trouble of refinancing.

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Tax Deductions On Investment Property

Property is a popular investment asset, particularly in Australia, due to whole host of attractive benefits which include the allowable tax deductions on investment property

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Tax Bracket Creep

We thought this might be a good time to take a look at the current income tax system and how you might be able to mitigate its effect on your take home income.

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Home Mortgage Rates

With the significant increase in Home Mortgage Rates over the last 10 months, what options are there to minimise their impact?

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How Much Do You Need to Retire?

If you feel like the answer to this question is a constantly moving target, you’re right. Working out how much you need to retire can be a complicated task.

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Sustainable Investing

So what is sustainable investing, how can it help your bottom line & does it makes sense for more people to be considering?

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Estate Planning

You probably have at least a vague idea about how you would like your assets, or your ‘estate’, to be divided amongst your family, loved ones and other potential beneficiaries, but you won’t be there to oversee what happens.

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5 Small Business Strategies

There is a temptation in business to review small business strategies at the beginning of the new financial year, but sometimes a better choice can be the new calendar year.

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Financial Planning For A Great Year

With the current high inflation, high interest rate environment, it has never been more important to take a serious look at your financial position

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Retirement Planning For Small Business Owners

Retirement planning for small business owners can be much more complex than for employed people, due to a selection of factors.

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Applying for a Mortgage

Applying for a mortgage is both exciting and scary, but there are a few things you should know, that can move the needle away from scary, towards exciting

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Downsizing Before Retirement

This is a tricky question to answer because it impacts your lifestyle and your family as well as your finances. So there are a number of things to consider when weighing this decision.

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Home Loan Mortgage Rates

Buying a home is usually the single most significant financial decision a person makes. With no end in sight for the predicted home loan mortgage rates rises, reviewing your home loan strategy makes a great deal of sense.

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Small Business Insurance

There’s no doubt about it, running a small business is tough. Not only do you need to manage the business, but you need to think about the inherent risks and how you might manage those should the worst happen.

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Estate Planning For Business Owners

Whether it is a family run business, partnership, or a company structure, you need to determine how ownership and running of the business will work should you not be available.

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Why Start A Business?

One of the key things to remember when you delve into the waters of setting up your own business, is that you are working towards future goals.

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Cashflow Tips

So what can we do to manage our finances as effectively as possible in this current environment?

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Family Business Succession Planning

One of the most important things you can do as a family business owner is succession planning. You haven’t spent years of your life building a successful business only to have it fall over when you want to retire, or are no longer able to run it.

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Investing in Property

Owning your own home has long been known as the Great Australian Dream, but these days, investing in property seems to come a pretty close second.

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Keeping Up With The Joneses

The Keeping Up With The Joneses Mindset Can Have A Devastating Effect On Your Finances & Result In Insufficient Funds To Support You In Retirement

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Get Rich Quick Schemes

High returns usually come with high risk, so when a scheme sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

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Insurance Cover

Australia has certainly been through the wringer over the past three years. As confronting as it may be, it is essential to be prepared for the unexpected & understanding what insurance cover you need is a good start point

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Quarterly Economic Update

As bad as this might seem, Australia still has one of the lowest inflation rates among OECD nations, beaten only by Japan and Switzerland, at the bottom of the inflation table

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Saving for Retirement?

Saving for Retirement or Supporting Your Children? There are ways to do both & still ensure you have enough to retire comfortably, but it requires a little bit of planning

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What is Inflation?

So what is inflation? It’s a complex beast & understanding the impact it can have will help you make wiser financial decisions.

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Financial Fraud

Personal and financial fraud is on the rise. 11% of Australians experienced some form of fraud in 2021 & losses due to investment fraud were up 119.6% compared to the same period in 2020.

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Saving For A House Deposit?

Should you invest your house deposit savings? This article investigates the pros & cons through a mini case study.

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Inheritance & Movement Of Wealth

Australians pass on average $561,000 to their heirs, almost four times the global average of $148,000, with two in every three Australians planning to leave an inheritance.

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Inflation & The Cash Rate

What is the Cash Rate & how will the changes applied today impact inflation and your financial situation?

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2022-23 Federal Budget Highlights

The Federal Government has delivered a big-spending 2022 budget, taking immediate steps to reduce cost of living pressures for working Australians while implementing a range of massive infrastructure and defense spending measures.

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Working from Home – Tax Optimisation Opportunities

Working from home and not sure what tax optomisation opportunities may be available to you, well this short article would be worth reading

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Digital Assets – Pros & Cons For Investors

What are the advantages & disadvantages of digital assets compared with physical assets from an investors point of view?

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BNPL vs Credit Cards – Which is Best?

BNPL (Buy Now Pay Later) or Credit Cards, what do they have to offer and which is the most financially efficient approach for consumers?

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Portfolio Management During Turbulent Times

There’s no doubt we continue to live in turbulent times. Between the challenges and uncertainty of the pandemic, the instability in eastern Europe & ongoing supply chain issues, effective portfolio management is a prominent topic amongst investors.

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Super Success For Women

While women earn less and spend less time in the workforce than men, sharply eroding their super contributions throughout their working lives, there are some simple steps women can take to boost their retirement savings.

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Retirement Cashflow

Low-interest environments are great for borrowers but can be a disaster for retirees reliant on interest to provide retirement cashflow.

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Stock Market Corrections

Stock Market Corrections can be an opportunity or a curse, depending on how you have set up your investments, are you taking full advantage of the opportunities?

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Ethical Investing

Ethical Investing – what does this mean for you as an individual investor, what should you look for & why does it even matter?

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The Great Resignation

What is the Great Resignation, is this a trend you should be part of & how is it impacting business owners as well as investors?

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Transitioning To Retirement?

Transitioning to retirement & not sure of the most tax-efficient method or whether a TRIS is needed?

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Investing In Real Estate

If you are going to or are investing in Real Estate, there are a few key things to consider…

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Financial Freedom

What is Financial Freedom, how is it different from Financial Independence and how do you achieve it?

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Financial Literacy

One thing it’s important to understand, is being highly educated does not necessarily mean you have good financial literacy. The two do not always go hand in hand

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Bull vs Bear Market

Understanding the difference between a Bull & Bear Market, combined with the opportunities they present, can help greatly when formulating an investment strategy.

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Stocks And Shares – What You Need To Know

So, when it comes to stocks and shares, what do you need to know before investing? Understanding the language can be a great first step.

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What To Do With An Inheritance

Sometimes in life a small or not so small windfall comes our way. It can be tempting to rush out and spend it, but it is worthwhile taking the time to think about how best you can make this money work for you.

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Financial Planning For Women

While preparing a financial plan is much the same for men and women, there are a few key things we need to factor in when developing financial plans for women.

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Retirement Planning Strategies

It may seem obvious, but lack of planning is what can lead to disappointment come your retirement party.

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Independent Financial Advice

How do you make sure the advice you are getting is independent and perhaps more importantly transparent?

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Are Gifts Tax Deductible?

According to the Tax Office, not all gifts are created equal.  Depending on the type of gift, and more specifically, to whom the gift is made, the tax implications of gift giving differ.

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What Are Family Trusts?

These days setting up a Family Trust Fund is not just for the wealthy. Many small business owners are using the vehicle of a Family or Discretionary Trust to protect their family from potential loss, whilst at the same time taking advantage of tax benefits.

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Portfolio Reviews & Effective Approaches

So, you have a financial plan in place.  You’re set.  Right?  Well, for a while at least.  While financial experts sometimes disagree on methods or theories, there is one thing they all agree on,  this is not a set-and-forget activity.

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June Tax Preparation Tips

Tax time is one of those chores of life that nobody enjoys.  It can be a real pain.  Not only do you have to scramble to find all the receipts and statements you have misplaced over the course of the year, but there is often a fear that you will end up with a great big, unexpected tax bill. Or even worse – get an audit notice.

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Best Way To Begin Investing

Not sure what the best way to begin investing? For many people, the prospect of starting the investment journey is daunting. How much do I need? What should I invest in?  How can I make sure I make the right decisions?

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How To Build Your Investment Portfolio

How To Build Your Investment Portfolio – Assets, Risk & Return

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The Compound Interest Formula

It’s likely you have likely heard this term the compound interest formula, bandied around a lot in financial circles. 

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The Impact Of Compound Interest

Almost unbelievably, the last time there was a rate rise in Australia was November 2010, when the rate went from 4.5% to 4.75%. It’s been…

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How to be Financially Independent

We all strive for financial independence in retirement.  But what if you could achieve…

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Investing In A Low Interest Rate Environment

Almost unbelievably, the last time there was a rate rise in Australia was November 2010, when the rate went from 4.5% to 4.75%. It’s been…

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Benefits of an Accredited Finance Broker

Whatever your goals may be, whether it’s securing a loan for your first home or an investment property, establishing a business, refinancing your existing loan to reduce your interest costs…

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What Is Financial Planning and How Can It Help Me?

Financial planning is the process of bridging the gap between an individual’s current financial position and the financial position they need to build in order to achieve their short-term, medium-term and long-term financial and lifestyle goals and aspirations.

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How Can Superannuation Work for Me?

Everyone understands that superannuation is an asset that is for the long-term and contributions are made by employers to an employee’s superannuation funds.

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Isn’t The Wealth Management Process Just Investing?

Wealth Management is more than just investing. It involves considering a client’s…

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