Isn’t The Wealth Management Process Just Investing?

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Raffi Pailagian
Financial Planner / Managing Partner

The wealth management process is more than just investing. It involves considering a client’s current income, expenses, tax position, assets and liabilities to determine how they should best allocate their resources to achieve their financial goals.

Do we need to allocate more money to short-term cash to meet specific expense? Do we need to allocate greater funds to an investment portfolio to fund medium-term expenses such as children’s education costs? How much do we need to allocate to the long-term bucket of super to build up a client’s retirement nest-egg? And how do we best allocate a client’s funds or surplus income to achieve the best long-term outcome?

The wealth management process aims to answer the questions in order to determine from an overall perspective how much should be allocated to the short-term, medium-term and long-term buckets so that the client can achieve their goals in the most tax efficient manner possible.

Our provide advice and planning to ensure the most optimal wealth management process Holistic Financial Advice Service and Retirement Planning Service to ensure our clients meet their financial growth and retirement goals.

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