Getting the right superannuation advice, could mean the difference between a comfortable retirement and spending your time counting your pennies. But with the hundreds of different funds out there, all with different options, making a decision without sound advice can be difficult.

All working Australians have a superannuation fund, with a government-mandated 9.5% of salary contribution.
However, not all funds suit all people, and the choices you make can have a significant impact on your final retirement amount.
Superannuation, like everything in your financial plan, should not be looked at as a stand-alone proposition. The 9.5% may or may not provide you with sufficient funds for retirement, but there are also significant positive tax implications to making personal contributions which will impact your overall position.
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Manly Financial Services will help you:
- Understand the types of funds available to you, and which might be most appropriate for your personal circumstances whether that be a retail, industry or SMSF
- Understand the different investment options within the funds so that your money is secured at a risk/return level that is comfortable for you and appropriate to your stage in life
- Establish the level of contributions you need to make in order to meet your retirement income goals, based on your overall financial position
- Structure your plan to maximise the tax benefits now and in the future
- Set up the right fund for you and provide ongoing advice and guidance as your circumstances change over your working life
If you would like to make sure your superannuation will give you the retirement you want contact us
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