Whether it is for yourself, or for someone you love, planning care in the later years of life is not only complicated, but can be an emotional roller coaster.

Your first consideration will be what type of care you require.

You may wish to stay in your own home for as long as possible, or you may feel you require some level of residential care. Whichever option you choose, your financial position will have an impact on your options.

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The government offers a range of benefits and subsidies for aged care, but many of these are means tested based on your income and assets, so the way your finances are structured can make a significant difference to your entitlements.

Last, but by no means least, there is the paperwork. At a time when you are already likely to be under emotional stress, this can seem like an overwhelming task.

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At a time when you are already likely to be under emotional stress, this can seem like an overwhelming task. Getting professional advice can help reduce the stress by providing understanding and clarity.

At Manly Financial Services we are experienced in making sure you:

  • Understand your options regarding Home Care help and the various forms of Residential Care available
  • Understand the financial implications of home care versus residential care
  • Navigate the paperwork associated with any form of Home Care or a move to residential care
  • Structure financial plan around assets and income to maximise government entitlements and minimise the ongoing costs of care
  • Ensure clear understanding of all the regulations relating to aged care and aged care funding, including the long-term and exit costs
  • Structure your Estate to ensure clarity for your loved ones should you be unable to express your wishes.

If you need Aged Care Advice for yourself or a loved one, contact us

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